Our Impact Report
Last month we’ve published our Impact Report from last year, our second overall (you can read the first one here).
It’s a big moment for us, partly because it’s the time of year when we reconfirm our commitment to trying to ‘do things the right way’, and partly because we put ourselves out there to have our work, ethics and achievements scrutinised by others.
If you’re one of the people who are currently rolling their eyes and thinking, ‘Give me a break, I only came here because I wanted a decent steak—give all the tree-hugging hippy cr@p a rest!’, then no problem at all. Just click here and be magically transported to drool-inducing pictures of food and lovely interior design jobs.
So … why bother? Why not just spend all our time trying to create a brilliant customer experience and focus on making a few pounds/euros/dollars?
The simplest answer we can give you is, we’ve learned its who we want to be, and the business we want to build. We’re proud of the charities we’ve worked with, we love being on the farms, and trying to create great jobs for people. We want to do what we can to better the environment and society. We’re not making any great claims for our impact, we just want to know we tried our best to build a better company, and we’re absolutely clear that if we’re going to inspire anyone else to do the same, then the customer experience and the business performance needs to be great, or everyone will say we took our eye off the ball.
And why lay ourselves open to scrutiny? Well, we like accountability, we like trying to improve, and we want people to be able to trust Hawksmoor (and maybe sometimes feel proud of it, like we do).
So we hope you enjoy reading about Huw’s obsession with mud and cown dung, about ‘going electric’ in Dublin, about prisons and government councils, about social enterprise and regenerative agriculture, about neurodiversity, race and ethnicity, about homelessness and a billion oysters, and about ‘The Cow in the Room’.
But more than anything, we hope you enjoy coming back to Hawksmoor. We know no one ever ordered ‘a ribeye with a side of purpose’, and that our first and most important obligation is to you, and to the time you spend with us in our restaurants. For your support, we are forever grateful.

Will & Huw