Mac and Cheese

Macaroni Cheese Recipe

2 cloves of garlic
240ml whole milk
25g butter
25g plain flour
40g Stichelton or Colston Basset Stilton, grated
40g good Cheddar (we use Montgomery’s), grated
40g Ogleshield, grated
a pinch each of sea salt, white pepper and ground nutmeg
320g cooked macaroni
(100–150g uncooked)
150g Danish mozzarella (or similar), diced
30g Parmesan, grated
30g panko breadcrumbs
  1. Preheat oven to 200c/400F/gas 6.
  2. Rub a 26-30cm baking dish or individual dishes with the cloves of garlic.
  3. In a medium saucepan, bring the milk to a foamy boil, then reduce heat to low and keep warm.
  4. In another Saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat.
  5. Whisk the flour into the butter off the heat and continue until smooth and a pale ‘roux’ has formed.
  6. Return the saucepan to a medium heat, then while whisking steadily, ladle the hot milk into the roux, a cupful at a time. Make sure you completely incorporate the liquid before adding the next.
  7. After all the milk has been added, continue to whisk until the sauce thickens and is bubbling gently (2 mins).
  8. Add the stilton, ogleshield, salt, pepper and nutmeg and stir until cheese has melted.
  9. Mix the cooked macaroni with the cheese sauce while still warm.
  10. Fold in the diced mozzarella and pour into the baking dish immediately, before the mozzarella melts.
  11. Bake in the oven for 8 minutes.
  12. Then mix together the grated Parmesan and pankco breadcrumbs and sprinkle on top.
  13. Return to the oven and bake for another 8 minutes.